ASD University: Development and Training


The basic purpose and philosophy of ASD’s training and development program for employees is to facilitate the acquisition of job-related skills, attitudes, and knowledge that will enhance the organization’s ability to effectively meet its goals and objectives.

Every effort is made within the agency’s time and budget constraints to provide a comprehensive training and development program for its employees. ASD conducts regular and formal orientation training for new employees. Orientation consists of a thorough review of the agency’s Policies and Procedures Manual, Employee and/or Volunteer Handbook and the Residence Handbook. Each individual is required by the Texas Department of State Health Services to have a thorough understanding of the agency’s policies on confidentiality and security. New employees are not permitted to provide direct services until they have read and agreed to honor the agency’s confidentiality and security policies.

Employees are encouraged to update and/or acquire new skills which will be beneficial to ASD. Employees, with the approval of the President/CEO, may be reimbursed for college tuition and books. Whenever possible, employees are reimbursed for expenses they may incur when they attend job-related conferences. All reimbursements must comply with the agency’s policies. Amounts for reimbursement related to travel are made in accordance with paragraph 301-7.3(a) of the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) for reimbursement of per diem expenses incurred during official travel within the continental United States (CONUS), as amended. No reimbursements will exceed FTR CONUS standard rates without the written approval of the President/CEO.

The agency provides a regular in-service training program for its employees. This training program covers the agency’s policy on confidentiality, security, and other areas as is appropriate at the time.

Our six-step methodology for training development and delivery includes the following:

Step 1: Training Needs Assessment

Training needs assessment determines the purpose of the training and what the learning objectives ought to achieve within the organization. It will be the blueprint of the design and evaluation of the training sessions. This step will help you define:

Regulatory requirements of the job tasks that employees will perform
• Current best practices to be achieved
• Policies, programs and practices to be incorporated
• Training competency to be achieved

Step 2: Designing Effective Training Materials

Training materials developed will be customized and based on your needs. Standard materials will include:
Customized Microsoft Powerpoint that will serve as a training outline

•  A course agenda and training manual
•  Student handouts (Articles, Reference materials)

Step 3: Training Development

The process of a training development will include the following:
•  Evaluation of training materials
•  Instructional design method to use
•  Revision process
•  Peer review

Step 4: Implementation of Effective Training Courses

All our training courses are professionally implemented. We utilized instructional presentation techniques designed to engage the learner. Training courses are delivered in various multi-media format (video), PowerPoint Presentation, and through lecture.

Step 5: Evaluating Training Course Effectiveness

Evaluating training course effectiveness is a necessary part of the instructional process. We want to evaluate if the course has achieved its purpose and learning objectives and if there are gaps in the learning. Upon completion of a training course, learners are given course evaluation forms to complete so they can summarize their learning experiences and provide suggestions to improve the course. Feedback will be used to improve and update course content and instructional methods.

Step 6: Record Keeping of Training

Learners who successfully participated in and have completed a training course will be issued a certificate of completion. As part of the record keeping process all learner’s data collection will be kept confidential. This will include results of written examination, attendance record, transcript and any other personal information.


AIDS Services of Dallas provides its housing services without regard for race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or age to all applicants who are living with or impacted by HIV/AIDS and their family members.

AIDS Services of Dallas
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